The Twitter AD Monitoring is now available in your adCuality licences!
Now you can discover the audiences impacted by campaigns through our integration with Comscore®.
adCuality is the first and most advanced ad monitoring technology. We monitor most AD formats in desktop and Web Mobile with the maximum coverage and historical data for LATAM and the unique reliable methodology.
Discover the Share of Voice of Industries, Advertisers, and Publishers based directly from the sample, without math projections.
The exclusive multivariate lineal regression statistical module co-created with C.O.N.I.C.E.T. can estimate the AD Spend in real time for 18 markets in LATAM.
Discover with precision the probability of exposure of your campaign in real time.
The Hunter Engine navigates persistently thousand publishers 24x7 getting the ads and taking the screenshots for certification
The Hunter Algorithm decompiles the ad source code and predict the advertiser and product by reading that code and the MD5 of screenshot
Each ad is automatically classified and shown on the end user platform to get precise reports.